Alba launches New corrosion control Fire Safe Isolation kits and Spiral wound gasket range
Alba Gaskets has invested more than £100,000 in a manufacturing division, while launching two new products aimed at the global energy industry.
The firm previously acted as a stockist and distributor for a number of international gasket manufacturers, but having seen a gap in the market for high-end, anti-corrosion and fire-resistant gaskets, decided to also invest in its own products.

Its new IsoShield FS will be produced at the company’s premises in Souterhead Industrial Estate in the city’s Altens area, while its second product Alba-Shield will be manufactured under licence.
The investment in the new division will also lead to the creation of six new jobs.
IsoShield FS uses a unique combination of press-activated spring-energised Teflon seals with a Kammpro Phyllosillicate fire-safe back-up seal. It is made with a combination of Glass Reinforced Epoxy (GRE) and steel core, offering the strength and integrity of a metal gasket but maintaining the isolation characteristics of traditional GRE designs while ensuring the highest levels of electrical isolation.
Created in response to an industry-wide increase in flange face corrosion and its effects, Alba-Shield is fire-safe as standard, seals tighter to reduce leaks and performs to a higher level than a conventional spiral wound gasket. It uses a PTFE-faced metal inner ring to provide an inert, non-reactive primary sealing mechanism which combats against the threat of corrosion, particularly in seawater, CO2, H2S and oxygen containing systems.

Managing director Brad Smith said: “Following extensive testing and using our specialist knowledge, combined with state-of-the-art technology, we have taken the best of the existing products and technologies currently available in the market to create our own gaskets.
“By manufacturing in-house we have more control within the supply chain, while continuing to ensure our clients’ assets perform effectively and efficiently, while protecting health, safety and the environment.
“More specifically our tight-sealing corrosion control range – which now comprises our own products as well as other leading offerings – demonstrates zero leakage in industry fire tests, preventing further hydrocarbon releases and therefore the spread of fire.”
“All our solutions are designed to assure the integrity and performance of our clients’ assets, with a firm focus on HSE and optimising lifecycle asset performance.”