Thank you very much for the presentation this morning we found it to be informative and it covered all our questions.
The product on offer looks great and very user friendly and we are happy to confirm its approval.
North Sea Technical Authority - September 2020
We have received strong support from end users on the Alba-RIG™ (Rapid Integrity Gasket). Since we launched the product has gained multiple end user approvals and specifications both here in the UK and in export markets. We wish to thank all the end users who have given up their valuable time to hear about the Alba-RIG™ and we look forward to supporting your future requirements. If you are interested in learning more about the how Alba can assist with your Reverse Integrity Testing requirements please get in touch.

Alba-RIG RTJ boxed and ready to go.

A large order for various sizes of Alba-RIGs Dual Kamms for a new client

Final inspection on a large Ring Type Joint for an export client